Sunday, July 18, 2010

I just started a blog because...I don't know. I love to write, but after I chose the best background, I sat staring at it and thinking, "Okay, that's nice. Now what?"

I guess it would be appropriate to say a little bit about myself. I am a Christian, a wife, a mother, a grad student and soon to be a teacher of English Composition as part of my grad program at Eastern Washington University. I like quirky humor and I'm not into drama. I am the consummate Grammar Nazi, which, as I have discovered to my chagrin, does not keep me from making mistakes. Often as I'm correcting others.

I am the crazy cat lady who lives on the corner. I would not be surprised to see young children daring each other to run up and touch my door, and running like bats were chasing them from a cave if I actually peeked out. Unless my birthday is somehow posted on this blog, I will leave my age to the reader's imagination. Somewhere between thirty and dead.

That's enough for a start. If I say it all tonight, I will never have anything to say, and that would disappoint my devoted fan.


  1. Oh the secrets I could tell...but I won't, my cat-lady-bad-grammar correcting friend. For if I did, what would be left to blackmail you with later? Welcome to blogland!

  2. Grammar ninja, not Nazi. NINJA. I cannot stress this enough. ;-)

  3. Okay. Ninja it is. Thank you, my friend.

  4. Ok, so if you have a blog, your'e supposed to actually post to it, hmm.
    Heehee, as if you didn't have anything else to do...

  5. I'm trying to post something, but my blog has disappeared again. I will fix that soon. I really do mean to write more. Alas. Perhaps this summer...
